I am pleased to be part of the École Westridge Elementary School team. I have been in several Burnaby schools throughout my career and enjoy opportunities to work with students, staff and parents to create a rich learning environment for all of us. It takes a strong team of staff to provide a safe, caring place for all students to grow and develop.
Parents are an important part of all that we do at École Westridge and we enjoy working alongside you as we provide opportunities to enrich the lives of the children. Experiences are a valuable part of a child’s learning and we want to provide all children with the same opportunities. Our school PAC has been instrumental in purchasing components for our playground over the years. Parents are an integral part of our school team and we are thankful for all their involvement in activities throughout the school year.
Our school goal focus at this time is writing and social-emotional learning. We look forward to creating many opportunities for students and parents to engage in this learning journey and will continue to update you on our progress. Please stay informed by reading items sent out on our listserv. We will do our best to communicate regularly. The website is also available for finding out information.
We welcome your input and feedback as partners in your child’s education. Our door is always open for questions and concerns. Please come in and introduce yourself. I enjoy getting to know all the students, staff and parents in this community.
Mary-Ann Brown – Principal